Wednesday 1 May 2013



There are many kinds of films: action films, comedies, horrors, westerns, war films, adventurous films, sci-fi, historical films.
 You can also watch some documents: about disasters, nature, art and history.

I LIKE: ……………………….. because ………………
I DISLIKE: …………………… because ………………
I HATE: ………………………. because………………..

You can watch films on TV or in the cinema, or you can hire a DVD. When you watch a film at home, it’s more comfortable. You can eat and drink what you want when watching, and you can lie on the sofa or sit in the armchair; you can stop the DVD or change the channel on TV if you don’t like the film. It is also much cheaper to watch films at home, because the cinema tickets are quite expensive.
 On the other hand, going to the cinema is a type of social activity – especially when a new film is on (e.g. with your favourite actor, or when the story is attractive).

 In the Czech Republic: the films, directors, actors and actresses can win the Czech Lion. It’s an award of the Czech Film and Television Academy.
Every year there is an international film festival in Karlovy Vary, where the authors from all over the world compete for the best film (the award Crystal Globe).


Říct něco o kinech v Praze, jak často chodíte do kina, oblíbený žánr


At the theatre, you can see a play – a comedy, a tragedy, a tragi-comedy, an opera or a ballet, or you can listen to a concert of classical music.
There is a very festive atmosphere at the theatre. People dress up: women usually wear a dress or a costume, and men wear a suit, or trousers and a shirt. They take off their coats in the cloakroom. They can have a seat in the stalls, in the boxes or on the balcony. The actors are on the stage and spectators sit in the auditorium.
 The most famous Czech theatre is the National Theatre in Prague. Then there are Vinohrady Theatre, Stavovské Theatre and many others.

Říct, jestli jste viděli nějaké divadelní představení (co, kde) 


A lot of children play some musical instrument in music schools. You can play the piano, the flute, the violin or the guitar,….

 People listen to music on various radio stations or buy CDs. On Tv there are several music channels, MTV, VH1, the Czech music channel Óčko.
In cities, there are concert halls and rock clubs where you can see and hear the bands play. In villages there are mostly village parties with local bands.

Classical music is not very popular with young people nowadays. In spite of that, we can say it is sometimes really beautiful. Some famous composers were:
-the Austrian composer Wolfang Amadeus Mozart – he was very popular in our country in the past
- the German composer Ludwig van Beethoven and Sebastian Bach
- the Czech composers Antonín Dvořák – with his opera Rusalka, which is world famous
                             and Bedřich Smetana – with his symphony My Country

My favourite singer / music group is……………


1)      Drugs
Důležitá slovíčka: take drugs, dose – dávka,  overdose – předávkovat, addiction- závislost, be addicted to – být závislý na
Soft drugs: marihuana, ectasy                                                  Hard drugs: cocaine, pervitin, heroin
Why do people take drugs?
Usually they want to run away from their problems. Very dangerous à they can overdose, they need a lot of money for their dose à they have to steal
     2)  Terrorism
Many terroristic organizations – e.g- AL-Kaida, Taleban, Hamas, ETA. Some of them are connected with religion (náboženství).
They try to frighten (vystrašit) people using bomb-attacks, kidnapping (únosy lidí)
The most famous teroristic acts were in NY (11/9/2001) – WTC, in London in 2005
     3) Famine
- it´s a problem in countries of the Third World (poor countries of Asia and Africa)

    4) Homelessness
It is a social problem.
It can be connected with drugs, because many of homeless people are drug addicted or they are alcoholics and  they have lost their jobs and homes
They live in very poor conditions (poměrech) – under bridges, etc.
They beg (žebrají).