Tuesday 8 May 2012

11 The European Union

A Union established after WWII (Druhá světová) to unite the nations of Europe economically to prevent another war among them.


  • After WWII Europe was weak, there were 2 superpowers – the USA and the Soviet Union.
  • In 1952 the European Coal and Steel Treaty was created. This organisation had 6 members – France, West Germany, Italy and Benelux countries: Belgium, Netherland, and Luxembourg.  Its aim (cíl) was to => A. unite Europe’s coal and steel industries and make them more efficient. => B.to promote peace and co–operation.
  • Five years later in 1957 at a conference in Rome the membering countries went futher (šli dál) – they decided to form the closer union – EECEuropean Economic Community. The founding countries (zakládající země) introduced 4 freedoms: 1. Freedom of movement for people 2. Freedom of movement for goods 3. Freedom of movement for services 4. Freedom of movement for capital (kapitál)
  • During nearly 50 years there have been 4 bigger enlargements (rozšíření):1. in 1973 – Denmark, Ireland and the UK were accepted 2. in 1981 – Greece joined EU 3. in 1986 – Portugal and Spain become members 4. in 1995 – Austria, Finland and Sweden
  •  In 1992 the Treaty of EU was signed in Maastricht and send to 12 membering states for ratification: the main objective was to strengthen integration. However, this treaty didn’t pass the ratification, because it wasn’t ratified by the Danish referendum.
  • Since January 1999, 11 member countries accepted the new European currency Euro.These countries started to use Euro banknotes in January 2002, now around 16 countries use the EURO, for example Slovakia or Slovenia, we do not use it.
  • We have been a member of the EU since 2004, the last enlargement: Bulgaria and Romania in 2007.

Symbols: anthemOde to Joy by Ludwig van Beethoven, blue flag with 12 yellow stars.

The Governing Bodies (vládnoucí orgány): The European Council - consist of the heads of member countries prime ministers, foreign ministersThe European Commission-responsible (odpovědná) for administration, heaguarters in Brussels – employs 16000 people. The European Parliament - members elected every 5 years by people of the Members States, they should represent the views of ordinary Europeans. The EU Parliament and The Council of EU pass the laws (přijímá zákony)

The Budget
The EU ha its own resources of revenue (zdroje příjmů rozpočtu), which consist of:

- VAT – collected by the member states (DPH)
- customs duties (clo)on industrial product and taxes on agriculture products.
- contributions by each member states based on its Gross National Product (příspěvky na základě HDP)

The Budget Finances:- the common policies like agriculture {about 15%}- research and development- programs linked to the single market- other external activities of EU

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