Wednesday 13 March 2013


Travelling is very popular in the 20th century and that is why it is so common. People all around the world travel for various reasons: One of them is tourism - especially during holidays. Others travel for scientific purpose. Even smuggling is not unusual. Many people like traveling because it is exciting.

On the other hand travelling has some disadvantages - it may be dangerous: we can meet bad people, we can get lost, be murdured or our money may be stolen.

There are many means of transport to choose from. Young people like hitchhiking (stopem) or just hiking (jít pěšky na tůru). Some people prefer going by car, by air, by train, by bus on a motorcycle or riding a motorbike. In London we can travel by a double-decker.

When going abroad we must get necessary documents: first of all a valid passport and a visa. We must change money to hard currency in a bank or at an exchange office. When we fly, we must get air tickets. Most people all around the world speak English and in some countries in Europe German. Travelling does not mean only going abroad but also seeing interesting places in our country or commuting (dojíždění) to work or to school.

We can get our trips reserved through travel agencies, they usually help with accomodation (ubytování) as well. We can arrange varous kinds of trips e.g.: cultural trips, recreation stays. 

For travelling we can use many kinds of luggage (druhy zavazadel) according to the kind of trip. We use backpack (krosna) for a longer journeys. We use a rucksack when going for a walk or to school. We use a suitcase when we go by a coach or plane.

I prefer riding my bicycle because it is the cheapest and it does not spoil nature.

1. Which types of travelling do you know?- I know travelling especially during holiday (recreation) and travel for scientific purposes (bussiness).
2. Give various reasons for traveling, why people travel so much?- People travel so much because it is exciting, they can see new place and meet new people and friends.
3. What are the advatages and disadvantages of travelling?- The travelling may be dangerous: we can meet bad people, we can get lost, be murdured or our money may be stolen.
4. Which means of transport do you know?
- Young people like hitchhiking, some prefer going by car, by train, by bus and on a motorcycle. They can fly by air or they can use a ship.
5. What must you arrange when going aboard?- I must arrange a valid passport and a visa. When going by train I must buy tickets and when I fly I must get air tickets. I must change money to hard currency in a bank.
6. Why is it so important to know foreign language when going abroad?- Because I want to understand what the other say me.
7. Why are the travel agencies and what can they arrange for us?- They can reserved us trips, tickets and accommodation.
8. Why do so many foreign come to our country?- Because they want to see beautiful natur, chultural and historic monumetns and first of all see to Prague.
9. Which types of luggage do you know?- We use a knapsack for a longer sports journey, we use a rucksack when going for a walk or to school and we use a suitcase when we by a coach.

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