Monday 1 April 2013

10 FREE TIME/LEISURE TIME ( British people video>>>)



Free time after work or study is called leisure time. It is the time for fun and entertainment. Going to the cinema, theatre, concerts, arts exhibitions (výstavy) are the most usual ways of spending free time. Some people especially younger people prefer going to parties, pubs, coffee bars, clubs and discos, others like to stay home watching TV, reading book ... Unfortunately, a lot of people haven't got enough time. We spend a lot of time for working, learning, family ... But we must find these free time for us and do not stay on line of facebook all day chating!

Many people spend their leisure time practising their hobbies. There are many types of hobbies. One of traditional passive hobbies is the collecting of objects. For example: stamps, postcards, flags, coins, models of cars ... The collecting becomes a life - long hobby for many people. It is an interesting and useful hobby................ A pet requires a good care and good knowledge of its habits and behaviour. British people love animals and almost every family has pet, usually a cat or dog.

........Practising dancing is an active hobby. Drama acting, folk dancing, modern dancing ... At present , more and more people of all ages are concerned with (se zabývá svým zdravým) their health and spend some of their leisure time doing exercises to keep themselves fit. For this season many sports and games are practised as hobbies. Hiking, cycling, rowing (veslování), playing golf and tennis is enjoyed by people all over the world. It is quiet common to see parties of hikers, cyclists or rowers spending their weekends outdoors. For those who prefer physical exercises indoors, body - building and fitness centres are opening up all over the world. They help people stay healthy and fit. Same result can be achieved by walking, jogging, swimming and aerobics which are also useful, effective and very popular ways of spending leisure time.

Teenagers have their own special leisure interests. Typical hobbies of teenagers are roller-skating and skate-boarding. Skate-boarding as sport first appeared in California. Skate-board parks are opening up in big cities for the safe practising of this hobby. Windsurfing, wavesurfing belongs to summer hobbies... snowboarding, skiing is on the other side a typical winter sport ...

I have a lot of hobbies. I am crazy about snowboarding. Every winter holiday we go to the High Tatras. In summer I play football, volleyball and handball. I am also fond of designing the Internet sites. I am interested in cars as well.

(modern special activities: geocaching, graffiti, parkour, paintball/air-soft, can add your own ideas to comments)



Since (protože) I'm a student, I go to school weekdays (všední dny) and so I don't have too much free time. I usually spend six or seven hours at school then I have lunch at the school cafeteria (školní jídelna). After that I either go downtown for some shopping or I go home and study. If I have some free time during the week I might also read a book or watch some TV. Lately my evenings have been spent preparing for my graduation examination which takes up a lot of time. (složitější jazyková konstrukce - poslední dobou byly mé večery tráveny přípravou na maturitu).

Even though (i když) I have a lot to do, I still have some free time for leisure activities. On the weekends during spring and autumn I like to go with my family to our cottage. I like taking long walks around the countryside and I like watching the seasons change. Also I am interested in rock collecting (sběr kamenů) and mineralogy so when I get some free time I like to look for interesting rocks to improve my collection. In the winter I enjoy sports like skiing, skating or playing ice hockey. I'm not very good at skating or hockey but I think I've become a pretty good skier.

I have the most free time during the summer months. One of my favorite activities is to go canoeing (sjíždění řek na kánoi) with my friends. It's really nice. We borrow a couple of canoes and choose a nice spot on the river to begin. We spend the day floating (plout) and paddling (pádlovat) down the river. Sometimes if it gets hot we jump in the water and go swimming. Of course we take breaks during the day, we stop along the river to prepare some food or to visit a local pub. In the evening we set up (postavíme) our tents (stany) and make a campfire. We spend the evening talking, singing songs, and enjoying nature. One of my favorite things to do is to cook some sausages over the campfire. We also like to wrap (zabalit) potatoes in foil then cook them in the hot ashes (popel). These wonderful trips, just like summer, always end too soon.

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