Wednesday 10 April 2013

15 Gastronomy in Great Britain and the USA

Gastronomy is a term which means the art of food eating. Gastronomy includes the preparation of meals, dining, eating customs and everything related to food and drinks. Gastronomy – eating and drinking are some of the most important things that influence our health.

The first meal of the day is breakfast. Some say that a rich breakfast is the best way to start the day. Others prefer their breakfast to be healthy, light and easy to digest (trávit). The majority of people eat a breakfast that consists of bread, bread rolls and bagels, with butter, salami, ham, honey, cheese or jam. Instead of bread we can have something sweet – cakes, doughnuts or gingerbread (perník). Those who prefer a healthy breakfast might have yoghurt with fresh fruit, muesli with milk etc. Many people accompany their meal with tea, warm or hot milk, coffee, hot chocolate or glass of juice. 

At midday, it is lunchtime. Most people go to a school, office or factory canteen (jídelna), but some prefer going to a restaurant or having a fast lunch in a buffet or a snack bar or buying something at street stalls (pouliční stánky). Often lunch consists of soup a main course, something to drink and salad or a dessert. Soups are either vegetable soups (tomato, potato, pea, bean, carrot, mushrooms) or meat teas (beef, chicken, and hen). The main course is usually cooked meat, fish, poultry (drůbeží) with side dishes (přílohy) of potatoes or rice, Czech dumplings, pasta or bread. The dessert could be cake, ice cream, or fruit. 

The last meal of the day is dinner served between 6:00 and 7:00 p.m. In many families the menu usually consists of another warm meal. But another possibility is a cold dinner it may be cheese, salami, ham, vegetables and bread. 

Czech cuisine

Czechs, in general, like fatty meals, meat juices (vývary), creamy soups and meat, of course. Our typical dish is roast pork, sauerkraut and dumplings, goulash with dumplings or roast sirloin of beef in cream sauce again with dumplings. Czechs often eat meat loaf and many kinds of smoked-meat products, the same as Germans. Wiener schnitzel, which is a pork steak, coated in flour (obalená v mouce), egg and breadcrumbs and fried, is a popular dish as well. The typical Czech soup is tripe soup (držková polévka). Sweets and cakes are typical of Czech cuisine as well. (Other popular: fried cheese and chips potato soup, roasted goose/duck and sauerkraut and dumplings, potatocakes (bramboráky)).

British cuisine
The traditional perception of British cuisine (kuchyně) is of overcooked vegetables, tasteless (bez chuti) meat and a lot of fat, but British eating habits have changed over last thirty years.Many families now prefer to eat out at restaurants or cafes or to buy take-away Chinese or Indian meals to eat at home.

Traditional English breakfast (sometimes called full or cooked) is quite rich and hot. You start with orange juice, then you have cereal (e.g. cornflakes with milk and sugar), fried eggs and tomato, bacon or sausages. Then there is a crisp piece of toast with butter and marmalade (which is made from oranges), and tea with milk. . Sundays are reserved for their big cooked breakfast called BRUNCH - breakfast and lunch together.

Lunch is a midday meal. It is not the main meal of the day in the UK! It is very common to have something light - like sandwiches, pizza, hamburgers, salad or pies. School children do not usually have their lunches at the school canteen. They bring packed lunch from their homes in special lunch boxes. 

Tea is Britain's favourite drink. It is served at 5 pmDinner is a hot evening meal and it is more filling. It can be served from 6 to 8 p.m. It is usually eaten when the whole family is together. It usually includes meat, sauce and green vegetables cooked in hot water. It may be also cold - depending on the time of the year.  Later at night, after a theatre or cinema performance, you can have your supper (pozdní večeře) - something light like cheese and biscuits before you go to bed.

(Vocabulary: original fast food is ,,fish and chips". People Britain like chips with salt and vinegarRoast beef and Yorkshire pudding - it is the traditional Sunday lunch from Yorkshire in the north of England.)

Cuisine of the USA
When most people think of American cuisine, the first meal that comes to mind is hamburgers, French fries, and Coca-Cola. Another typical feature of American lifestyle is popcornOriginal American food dates (se datují) to the pre-Columbian era when native(původní) people ate meals of corn, squash, pumpkin, and turkey.
The arrival of immigrants throughout the centuries has expanded American cuisine to include a wide array of international dishes and tastes: pizza (Italian), Tacos or burritos (Mexican), stir fry (Chinese).

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