Tuesday 23 April 2013

18 My future career

My Future Career. My Plans for the Future.
When I was a child I never seriously thought (nepřemýšlel) about my future career.
I wanted to be a ....... / As a small child I dreamt of being a .......
[I always knew I wanted to become a .........vždy jsem věděl, že se chci stát......]

Then I started to attend (navštěvovat) Basic School and all my dreams changed. I was interested in (zajímal jsem se o) many things like ........., I was practising sports, I was quite good at (byl jsem docela dobrý v)........ My plans for my future career changed from day to day.

Later I went to Secondary School. During my studies I began to think about my future career more seriously / I began to think what I would really like to do when I was .......years old.

My plans: First of all, I want to finish secondary school. At the moment I am taking the final graduation exam in four different subjects: Czech language, Economics, English  , ...........  I hope I´ll pass (Doufám, že projdu). I have been working hard for this exam.
After the final exam I would like to study at ................................
I have applied to (podal jsem si přihlášku) ..........University, College, Faculty .......

I like / I enjoy.......... , so I´d like to become / to get into a profession such as ...............
(Mám rád......, rád bych se stal/dostal práci jako........)

I am afraid / I fear it is difficult to get into ....... (Obávám se/ Mám strach, že je těžké dostat.....)

What is a good job/interesting job for me?
For me a good job should / be well paid /be useful(užitečný) /not be boring/ allow me to be my own boss (dovolí mi být svým vlastním pánem) ...

I am sure I never want to work as a .......   
I am still unsure (nejistý) what to do in my life because ........
It´s not easy to decide what I´d like to do because........
Salary is of secondary importance in choosing a job (Peníze jsou až na druhém místě). Of more value to me is ..........

I would like / I don´t want to get married because .....
My future partner should be ........ He also should have .......
I have a boy/girlfriend now but I am only ............., I don´t need to start thinking about marriage
To have a good marriage, the partner should ........

What are your plans ?
What job did you want to do when you were a child ?
Did your parents share your opinion or did they try to change your mind ?
How old were you  when you began to think seriously abou your future carrer ?
How important is the salary in choosing a job ? What is more important to you- to dislike your job and earn a lot of money or, on the contrary,  enjoy your work and earn less money ?
Did the school prepare you well for the future studies / job ?
How are you going to celebrate your passing the graduation exam ?
What are your plans for this year holiday ? Have you got any part-time job for summer ?
Would you like to get married one day ? What qualities should your future partner have ?
Would you like to have children? If so, how many? If you could choose the sex of your children, whar would you prefer ? Why ?
If you couldn´t have your own children, could you adopt any ?
Have you got any high aims(vysoké cíle)? ( to live to be 100 years old, to become Miss Universe, to marry a millionaire, to be born again, to travel in time, to be awarded Nobel prize, to be famous, ...)

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