Wednesday 30 January 2013


Sport is a very important part of life and it is becoming more and more popular. Sports are very good for active relaxation and are important for our physical and mental health. All doctors recommend exercising, as prevention and convalescence of various illnesses.

There are lots of types of sports and games. We can divide sports into three cathegories – summer, winter and all-seasons sports. Among the summer sports belong: athletics, aquatic sports, ball games, cycling, skateboarding, etc. Winter sports are skiing, ski jumping, snowboarding, ice dancing, ice hockey and all – seasons sports are for example: basketball, gymnastics, table tennis, boxing, sport dancing. We can practise outdoor and indoor sports. There are team sports and individual sports.Some of the most popular team sports include football, basketball, hockey, volleyball and baseball. Individual sports may be played as one individual, with or without competitors like running or swimming, or two individuals who compete with each other like boxing or wrestling. My favourite sports are snowbording, down-hill skiing, swimming, and bowling. When I have time, I go running with my two dogs.

There are two kinds of athletes – amateurs and professionals. The amateur approach to sport is when you exercise, jog, swim or go to the gym once in a while. Some people are so interested in sports that they want to make it their main livelihood. A professional plays the sport as his or her job and sometimes it is very well paid job.Sometimes they only get paid for their travels and equipment, but if they keep improving their results. There is a fair chance they could go to the world competitions, which improves their chances of earning more money. The highest success for sportmen is usually to participate in the Olympic games and win a gold medal.

The Olympic Games are performed every four years. They are named after the city in Greece where it took place for the first time. The contemporary tradition of the games started in 1896, in Athens. The initiator was Pierre de Coubertin. Since then, the event has taken place every four years, excepting during the world wars. Since 1924, a special winter Olympics has been held and since then there are two parts to the games: the winter part and the summer parts, which change once every two years. The well-known symbol of the games is the five inverwined different coloured circles on a white backgroung. They symbolise the five continents.

Some other important sports events are the World and European Championships and Cups in various sports. The contemporary best Czech sportsmen are Jaromir Jagr (ice-hockey), Petr Cech (football), David Svoboda (pentathlon), Barbora Špotáková (javelin)a Martina Sáblikvá (speedskating).

People all round the world participate in for sports. Ball games are popular all around the world. American football is the most popular, followed by baseball and basketball. The Americans are crazy about sports. Sport plays an important role in American life. Many sports have their origins in Britain, that is why Britain is sometimes called the cradle of sports. Two types of rugby, modern game of hockey, cricket, darts, tennis and boxing were invedted in Britain. Golf has its origins in Scotland. The major sports events in Britain are: Wimbledon – the Grand Slam Tennis Tournament, The Grand National – it is the best known horse-race steeplechase, The British Open Golf Champions.

At school we have physical training lessons once a week. When the weather is good, students can go out to the stadium where they can play football, baseball or practise athletics. During the winter we usually go to a sports hall or a gym where we practise gymnastics, volleyball or floorball with Mr. Mares. We can go to fitness centre or sauna.

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