Wednesday 9 January 2013

6 My school

It is a private secondary school named "business academy". People aslo call it red school. The school is located in Prague 4 near Milíčov Forrest.  It has nice surroundings (okolí). There is a complex of buildings: secondary school, primary school and newly the nursery school (školka) which has been there for one year.

Students usually study our school 4 years, you have to finish it with School-Leaving Exam (called "maturita" in Czech). There are about 400 students and about 25 teachers. The building is in a newly reconstructed building. You can find there well-equipped (dobře vybavené) classrooms with computers,data (výslovnost:deita) projectors and smart-boards.

Students get a school report (vysvědčení) with grades twice a year.  Lessons start at 8 a.m. and finish usually at around 2 p.m. Some days students of certain class stay at school longer if they have afternoon lessons that everybody hates.  We should not forget about a part of the school building - it is the school canteen (jídelna)- we can have lunch there. 

The photo by Mr. Vejtruba Subjects that are taught (Předměty,které jsou učeny) at the business acadamy: Czech language, foreign languages (English with Miss Bejsovcova/Sir Niederhafner/Sir Kodym/Sir Kuneš/Sir Vyroubal) (German, Russian), civic education, psychology, mathematics, economy, accounting, statistics, management, IT, international business, finance and banking, physical training - the lessons of psysical training are held either in the gymnasium (tělocvična) or in the playground (hřiště) but usually nobody goes there. During the 2nd year we have to choose our branch of study (zaměření studia). During the 3rd year we work on a project which we have to defend (obhájit) in front of the comitee (komise).

- I like most .....
- I am interested in ......
- I don't like ......
- I am good/bad at .....

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