Wednesday 9 January 2013

5 Everyday life

Some of the families still start their day with typical English breakfast - ham and egs, sausage, toast and marmelade, several cups of strong tea. It is still served in a lot of hotels. Nowadays (v těchto dnech) most people prefer usually:  toast, orange juice and a cup of coffee. Children mostly eat bowl of cereals (misku cerálií) for breakfast.

The school lessons, shops and most offices start/open at 9 a.m.

At noon/midday British people have only light lunch, usually take-away which they eat in the office or outside. The lunch can be a sandwich or a soup. A lot of people have 'packed lunch' (zabalený z domu) in a plastic container.

It is a tradition to have an afternoon tea with biscuites or cakes at around 5:30 pm.

On the way home from work women usually do their shoppings. In the evening families try to gather for dinner, after that they watch TV or they play games such as scrable or chess. Before going to bed they like to have a glass of whiskey (men) or cup of hot milk/coke (women).

If you stay longer in bed at weekends you can have so called brunch (breakfast+brunch together).

During weekends logically you have more free time so as in every country you have time to practice your hobby - people in the UK especialy like to collect (sbírat) various things. A typical UK citizen likes animals, a lot of people in the country have dogs or cats. Anther passion is of course football. No wonder (není divu), you can see some of the best footballers and some experts claims that it is the best football league in the world. The UK is a cradle (kolébka) of football

They like to take care of their lawns (trávníky), if it is nice weather, they can prepare and serve their meals in the garden with friends and neighbours. Men go to a pub for a pint of beer.

Czech republic:
Some of us don't have any breakfast at all - maybe just a cup of coffe or tea.

School lessons start earlier (dříve) at 8 a.m. The biggest meal of the day comes at noon when we have lunch break. A lot of people eat in canteens (jídelny). In the evening it is the right time when a family tries to eat together. Students dinner can be just a sausage for example. Some dinners are cold. 

After the dinner Czechs watch TV, listen to music, read, play computer games or go to pub.

At the weekend - People from Prague and from elsewhere enjoys time away from the noise of the city, we go to our cottages (chaty) which were built before the Velvet Revolution mostly.

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